
FHOP's training activities build capacity for the effective use of data for assessment, planning, policy development, and program evaluation by government and non-profit agencies and community-based organizations. Activities include ongoing training for local, state, and non-profit agencies and hospitals, and developing web-based distance learning curricula for local and state health department staff.

FHOP designs and delivers an assortment of trainings. Topics vary from the steps in the public health program planning and evaluation cycle to hands-on workshops with data analysis software, to technical training such as completing the 5-year Title V Needs Assessment and planning for the scope of work requirements from the State MCAH program.

The traditional model of traveling for day-long face-to-face trainings has been challenged in such a large state in the face of limited budgets and time. New technologies have provided innovative ways to address these challenges, such as through teleconference software. In 2010, FHOP began offering web-based trainings through live webinars. The webinars have been recorded and made available for viewing after the training.

Trainings By Topic

FHOP designs and delivers an assortment of trainings. Topics vary from the steps in the public health program planning and evaluation cycle to hands-on workshops with data analysis software, to technical training such as completing the 5-year Title V Needs Assessment and planning for scope-of-work requirements from the State MCAH program.

The following list provides an overview of FHOP's training topics:

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)

CSHCN data, CSHCN in California, medical homes and care coordination, transition issues, California Children Services system of care 

Data Sources

Identifying data source for needs assessment, planning and evaluation

Data Spreadsheets/Databooks

Understanding and using indicator rate tables, data quality issues, trend analysis

FHOP Orientation

What FHOP can do for you to support program planning, evaluation, and more

Injury Prevention

Logic models and problem analysis diagrams for various injuries 

Intervention Planning

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)

Logic Models

Developing a logic model, using a logic model for program planning and evaluation

Needs Assessment (Title V MCH assessment)

The planning model, coalitions and collaboratives, county health profiles and capacity assessment, selecting indicators, collecting and presenting data 

Objectives and Performance Measures

Using objectives and performance measures to evaluate program effectiveness, process objectives and outcomes objectives

Problem Analysis

Conducing a problem analysis, risk analysis, literature review, identifying causal pathways, socioecological model for health, turning theory into action

Program Evaluation

Types of evaluation, program process and outcomes objectives and performance measures, logical models, evaluation plan, data collection, evaluation reporting

Qualitative Data and Methods

Qualitative data collection methods, advantages and disadvantages of qualitative methods, focus groups, questionnaire design

Trend Analysis

Basic concepts of trend analysis for public health surveillance, Title V Indicators and FHOP data spreadsheets