Alcohol Abuse
Automobile/Traffic Accidents
California County Profiles
Census Data
Child Abuse
Child Welfare
CA Health Interview Survey
Chronic Disease
Criminal Justice
Dental Care
Diseases/Conditions Inventory
Domestic Violence
Drug Abuse
Drug Arrests
Fetal Mortality
Food Stamps
Foodborne Disease
Foster Care
Health Care
Health Insurance
Infant Mortality
Infectious Disease
Injury & Violence
Injury Hotspot Data
Juvenile Arrests
Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
MediCal Data
Mental Health
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Nutrition/Food Security
Physical Fitness
Preterm Birth
School District Profiles
School Enrollment
School Lunch/Meal
School Profiles
Social Services
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
Substance Abuse
Teen Birth
Tobacco/Tobacco Use
Violenec & Injury
Vital Records
Women's Health
The following data sources provide a wide range of county-level data/information on many of the public health and maternal, child, and adolescent health topics listed above.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Data Dashboard - The MCAH Division offers California-specific dashboards, organized by five health domains. These dashboards provide indicator data at state, county, and regional levels, with subgroup breakdowns by year.
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) - CHIS's online data query system, AskCHIS, is an online tool for accessing data at the county, region, and state levels. It offers over 368 health topics, including health care access, insurance coverage, conditions like diabetes and mental health, COVID-19, and much more. The data is available across various sociodemographic factors
KidsData - Data on more than 1,000 measures of children's health and well being. Data are available across California counties, cities, school districts, and legislative districts and are broken down by age, gender, income, race/ethnicity, special health care needs status, sexual orientation, and other demographic descriptors
Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) - An annual, statewide-representative survey of women with a recent live birth in California. MIHA collects self-reported information about maternal and infant experiences and about maternal attitudes and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy.
Adolescent Health
California Adolescent Health Collaborative Data Sources:
• ASHWG Data (2019)
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) from the CDC for United States 2019 - Select California for comparisons. Includes Sex, Race, Grade, and Sexual Orientation variables.
CDPH Adolescent Health Data & Statistics - tables, slide sets, reports and links to provide surveillance and program data and statistics related to adolescent health in California
Alcohol & Drug Use
California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) - Reports
County level reports on alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, violence and school safety, nutrition and physical health, sexual behavior and attitudes, and youth resilience.
State Estimates of Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
State-level indicators from NSDUH
Women of Childbearing Age and Opioids:
Results from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health surveys (NSDUHs) 2007-2012
2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and continuing years
California Opioid Overdose Surveillance Dashboard - The dashboards and data available through this application are the result of ongoing collaboration between the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), Department of Justice, and the California Health Care Foundation. - this currently includes data up through 2015.
Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) - Substance Use
Go to: county data snapshots
Proportion of High School Students Who Smoked Cigarettes in the Past 30 Days
The data table shows the current smoking prevalence for California high school youth by selected demographics.
Let's Get Healthy Health California Indicator - California Health and Human Services Open Data portal
Tobacco Sold to Minors, California
The data table shows the percentage of stores that sold tobacco to minors under age 18 each year from 1997-2018 and includes the 95% confidence interval.
Tobacco Control Fact Sheets
CDPH > Tobacco Control Program>
Provides background information on California's tobacco control environment.
Physical Fitness Testing
Includes information regarding the physical fitness test required to be administered to students in grades 5, 7, and 9.
County Health Rankings
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation >
The annual County Health Rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in America. The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play.
Community Health Needs Assessment
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research >
The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) provides public health information for California's diverse population. Results on a variety of health topics are produced for the entire state and for most counties. The survey takes place every two years.
California Department of Finance
California Report Card
Children Now >
The California Children’s Report Card grades the state on how it supports better outcomes for kids, from prenatal to age 26.
California Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Maps
Geographic information systems are networks of computer hardware, software and services, designed to work with data that has a particular dimension of interest: geographic location. This location information may be any kind of spatial reference, such as a street address, a set of latitude-longitude coordinates, or the center point of a zip code boundary.
Whatever the spatial reference is, geographic information systems can use it to provide graphical display or statistical analysis of such data as healthcare facility capacities, cases of West Nile virus, or effects of environmental factors on childhood asthma.
List of California Counties
General statistics about the counties of California.
California Cancer Registry
The California Cancer Registry (CCR) is California's statewide population-based cancer surveillance system. The CCR collects information about all cancers diagnosed in California (except basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and carcinoma in situ of the cervix). The availability of data on cancer in the state allows health researchers to analyze geographic, ethnic, occupational and other differences that provide clues that point to risk factors. The data also helps determine where early detection, educational or other programs should be directed.
SEER Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results
The SEER program collects and publishes cancer incidence and survival data from population-based cancer registries covering approximately 26 percent of the US population.
Asthma in California
California Department of Public Health
Several publications about Asthma in California Counties, including hospitalization rates and mortality rates.
Asthma Emergency Department Visit Rates
This dataset contains counts and rates (per 10,000 residents) of asthma emergency department visits among California residents by county and age group (all ages, 0-17, 18+). The data are derived from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development databases.
County Levels Estimates of Diagnosed Diabetes
Healthy Communities: What Local Governments Can Do to Reduce and Prevent Obesity (pdf)
CDC > Obesity >
This report contains 24 recommended obesity prevention strategies focusing on environmental and policy level change initiatives that can be implemented by local governments and school districts to promote healthy eating and active living.
Overweight and Unfit Children in California Assembly Districts
California Center for Public Health Advocacy >
To determine whether there have been changes in the epidemic of overweight in children since 2001, CCPHA analyzed data from the California Department of Education's 2004 Physical Fitness Test and compared the findings to results from 2001 that we previously published. Findings are reported for each state Assembly District.
Local Government Actions to Prevent Childhood Obesity (pdf)
Free executive summary provided by the Institute of Medicine (US) and National Research Council (US) Committee
Criminal Justice Statistics Center
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation - Reports and Research
California Department of Corrections >
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation publishes a variety of reports that range from statistical summaries of its offender populations to evaluation research reports on innovative rehabilitative treatment programs. These include population reports, offender information and demographics, population projections, historical trends, among others.
Poverty in California
US Census Bureau >
Employment Development Department > Labor Market Info >
Link to California query for county and sub county unemployment rates.
Education Data Partnership >
These Ed-Data Profiles provide a comprehensive picture of each school, district and county, with statewide totals and links to additional data or explanations. The Profiles are organized in three sections: General, Students and Staffing.
Student Demographics
Data files pertaining to student and school demographics that can be downloaded to your computer.
California Elementary Schools
A list of California elementary schools by city.
California High Schools
All California high schools are organized by city.
Data Quest
California Department of Education >
Data Quest helps you find facts about California Schools and districts.
Data Quest - Special Education
Enrollment by Age and Disability and Ethnicity and Disability - state, county, district and school level data.
Fact Book: Handbook of Education Information
Provides statistics and information on a variety of subjects concerning education in California.
STAR Test Results
CDE > Standardized Testing and Reporting >
STAR Test results.
Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC)
California Environmental Protection Agency >
Updated reports on environmental indicators for the state of California.
Insurance Rates for Children (excel)
Insurance Rates for Women 20-44 (excel)
Medi-Cal Eligibility for children 0-17 (excel)
Medi-Cal Eligibility for Women 19-44 (excel)
California Health Interview Survey
Medi-Cal Insurance Coverage - Prenatal Health Insurance (excel)
Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) 2013 survey.
Medi-Cal Managed Care Quality Improvement Reports
In accordance with federal requirements, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) contracts with an external quality review organization (EQRO) to conduct external quality reviews and evaluate the care provided to beneficiaries by Medi-Cal managed care health plans (MCPs) in the areas of quality, access, and timeliness. The EQRO presents these external quality review activities, results, and assessments in reports that help DHCS and Medi-Cal MCPs understand where to focus resources to further improve the quality of care.
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
The Center strives to understand and advance public health policies that can improve access to health care as well as promote good health among diverse populations in California.
Setting CCS Action Priorities for California's Title V 5-Year Plan (ppt)
This Power Point presentation presents the process and assessment data used at meetings of the California Children's Services (CCS) Title V Children With Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Needs Assessment Stakeholder meetings. The purpose of the meetings was to obtain stakeholder input and to assist CCS in establishing its Title V 5-Year action priorities. (April 2005)
Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN): Issues and Options in Selecting Health Indicators (pdf)
FHOP > Publications
A 60-page PDF document reviewing the state of the art of indicators for CSHCN in order to provide guidance to those public/private agencies interested in measuring the impact of changes on this population.(January 1999)
Dental Data Reports
Medical Dental Program >
This site provides an overview of California's Medicaid dental program, known as Denti-Cal. It highlights key statistics and trends related to access, utilization, expenditures, and providers.
Dental Utilization by Provider
This dataset provides beneficiary and service counts for annual dental visits, dental preventive services, dental treatment, and dental exams by rendering providers (by NPI) for calendar year (CY) 2020. It includes Fee-For-Service (FFS), Geographic Managed Care (GMC), and Pre-Paid Health (PHP) Plans delivery systems
Interactive Maps; Data & Map Products
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
Information about healthcare professionals and colleges, California shortage areas, and HCAI programs to improve access to care.
Health Disparities in the Medi-Cal Population: Data
Select a topic to explore the health of counties across California or view County Health Rankings Model.
California Healthy Places Index
California HIV Surveillance Report 2019
This annual surveillance report summarizes information about people diagnosed with HIV infection in California.
Foodborne Disease
Foodborne Illnesses and Outbreaks
Vaccine-Preventable Disease Cases by County and Year
These data contain counts of vaccine preventable disease cases among California residents by county, disease, and year.
School Immunizations in Kindergarten by Academic Year
This dataset contains immunization status of kindergarten students in California in schools.
Sexually Transmitted Infection Data
These tables, slide presentations, and annual reports provide the most recent available data and statistics for reportable sexually transmitted infections (STI) in California.
2020 STD Data Chlamydia Tables
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Calls for Assistance
Intimate Partner Violence in California
County Snapshots - Intimate Partner Violence 2013-2014 from MIHA 2013 Survey
Motor Vehicle Accidents
California Annual Report of 2020- California Office of Traffic Safety
2020 Traffic Fatalities by COUNTY and Percent Change from 2019- State: California
California Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review (CA-PAMR)
Costs of Maternal Hemorrhage in California (pdf)
Costs of Gestational Hypertensive Disorders in California: Hypertension, Preeclampsia, and Eclampsia (pdf)
The California Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review (CA-PAMR) (pdf)
This Bulletin provides an update to the report on Maternal Death Reviews from 2002 to 2003 released in Spring 2011.
This fact sheet provides an overview of mental health and substance use disorders in California, including mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic, trends in drug overdose death rates and suicide death rates, and coverage and access issues. For comparison, national level data are also included.
Statistics and Data Analysis
Department of Mental Health >
Statistics and Data Analysis collects and/or analyzes data within three major program areas, specifically, county mental health programs, Medi-Cal specialty mental health services, and state hospitals.
Access to Mental Health Services Among California Women (pdf)
Findings from the California Women's Health Survey, 1997-2003
This article examines demographic predictors of access to specialty mental health services including race/ethnicity and poverty as well as associated factors such as education, marital status, and health insurance status. Access is examined as a function of perceived need for mental health services in the past year, attempts to obtain those services, and utilization of specialty mental health services in the past year.
Adolescent Mental Health
Adolescent Mental Health Data- California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
Maternal Mental Health
Maternal Infant Health Assessment (MIHA)
MIHA collects self-reported information about maternal and infant experiences and about maternal attitudes and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy
County Nutrition and Food Insecurity Profiles
The profiles provide local data describing the need for nutritious, affordable food and the extent to which the federal nutrition programs can help address that need.
Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS)
The Children's Medical Services (CMS) Branch released the 2006 PedNSS Annual Reports in CHDP Information Notice 07-D. The information notice provides a description of PedNSS reports and instructions for how to complete Performance Measure 6 using these reports.
Free or Reduced Price Meal (Student Poverty Data)
Complete data files pertaining to K–12 students who are eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Meals (FRPM)
California Healthy Kids Survey
The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency.
The American Community Survey (ACS) is a nationwide survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau to provide communities with demographic, social, economic, and housing data every year. The California State Data Center generates reports and tabulations from data files released by the U.S. Census Bureau.
California Department of Finance >
Homepage for the Demographic Research Unit. According the DRU, "The Demographic Research Unit of the California Department of Finance is designated as the single official source of demographic data for State planning and budgeting."
State and County QuickFacts: California
US Census Bureau >
Quick, easy access to facts about people, business, and geography for California State and Counties.
County Population Totals and Components of Change: 2020-2022
FTP Listing of California Counties
US Census Bureau >
This census page has census tract maps that go down to the block level for each of the counties.
2022 March of Dimes Report Card
Click on California to see some county-level data and reports.
Reproductive Health Data- California
The Guttmacher Institute collects state-level data on publicly funded family planning services, unintended and teen pregnancy, and abortion
Child Abuse Refferals
Center for Social Services Research (UC Berkeley) > Child Welfare Research Center >
These reports describe unduplicated counts of children per year who have been identified as a victim in a child abuse referral.
Child Welfare Report System
Center for Social Services Research (UC Berkeley) >
Foster Care Reports
California Department of Social Services >
CalFresh- Data Tables
These data tables display data provided by County Welfare Departments concerning caseload and costs related to food stamp programs.
Teen Births in California (pdf)
Public Health Institute >
2010 Spring Update.
Vital Records Data and Statistics
Statewide Death Profiles
This dataset contains counts of deaths for California as a whole based on information entered on death certificates.
Vital Records
The California Department of Public Health – Vital Records (CDPH-VR) maintains birth, death, fetal death/still birth, marriage, and divorce records for California
Maternal Child Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) Survey
The Maternal and Infant Health Assessment, or MIHA, is an annual, statewide-representative survey of women with a recent live birth in California.
Infant Mortality by Race/Ethnicity
This dataset provides five years of data on infant mortality by race/ethnicity. The death of a baby before his or her first birthday is called infant mortality. The dataset includes California live birth population data as well as counts and rates
Newborn Screening Disorders
This table presents the disorders diagnosed by the California Newborn Screening Program during the five-year period from 2009 through 2019. The counts of disorders are presented by race/ethnicity groups.
Live Birth Profiles by ZIP Code, 1989-2021
This dataset contains counts of live births to California residents by ZIP Code based on information entered on birth certificates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out-of-state births to California residents. The data tables include births to residents of California by ZIP Code of residence (by residence).
California: Women's Health, KFF
Includes information on women’s access to care, health coverage, and health status, including data on incidences and deaths for varying conditions and diseases. Additionally, this category includes information on family planning, childbirth, and abortion.
California Women's Health 2007 (pdf)
The OWH developed California's Women's Health 2007 to provide readers with an easy-to-use collection of current and historical data on some of the most pressing health challenges facing women, their families, and their communities. The report is intended to be a concise reference for policy makers and program managers at the federal, state, and local levels to help identify and clarify issues affecting the health of women and girls.
Findings from the California Women's Health Survey, 1997-2003 (pdf)
This report is a compilation of the California Women's Health Survey (CWHS) findings for the period 1997 through 2003. The CWHS, the first California survey focusing on women's health, began in 1997 as a response to the lack of California-specific data on women's health status, behaviors and attitudes. The survey is the result of a unique collaborative effort between the California Department of Health Services, the California Department of Mental Health, the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, the California Department of Social Services, California Medical Review, Inc (CMRI) (now called Lumetra), and the Public Health Institute. Contributing programs collaboratively design the survey and use the information derived from the survey to improve the health of California women through program planning, implementation, and evaluation.