Title V 5-Year Needs Assessment Indicators: Databooks 2008 to 2019
Databooks have multiple pages of data and information, including County/Regional numbers, State numbers, definitions, data quality, rates, and graphs, for different racial/ethnic groups and across several years. We strongly encourage you to consult the materials from the County Data Spreadsheets webinar training before using the databooks as well as this publication.
The Impact of Birth Certificate Data Quality in California On Birth Related Health Indicators in 2003
The California Center for Health Statistics (CHS) initiated an effort to improve the quality of information for the certificate of live births. (August 2006)
Do We Have a Linear Trend?
Monitoring trends in community health status is an important public health function. Statewide trends may differ from local trends. Monitoring trends also is of value in assessing the impact of public health interventions. It is important that program staff distinguish between significant differences in a number or rate from year to year, and significant trends over 5 or more years. However, few public health managers have the analytic expertise to determine whether a trend may be occurring and, if so, whether it is statistically significant. These guidelines are intended to help program staff and epidemiologists from local health jurisdictions make such determinations. (2005)
Guidelines on Race/Ethnicity Data Collection, Coding and Reporting for Year 2003
This document is intended to help institute compliance with the new national racial/ethnic data collection standards while also fulfilling California’s need for consistent and more specific data given the unparalleled complexity of its population. (January 2003)
Guidelines for Statistical Analysis of Public Health Data with Attention to Small Numbers
These guidelines are intended to serve as an informal standard of practice for data analysts and program planners. (July 2003)
Unique Identifiers, Discussion, Recommendations, and Testing
An overview of criteria for selecting a unique identifier through a process that included a literature review, convening a group of experts to participate in the Unique ID Subcommittee, a survey of county MCAH directors and state program directors on uses of client tracking systems and preferences on approaches, a confidentiality and ethical literature review and participation on various state committees also studying unique ID such as the school linked data project (CIDC) and the California Health Information for Policy Project (CHIPP).(February 1995)