The following products are intended to assist you in developing interventions to address priority problem areas. Additional sample problem analysis diagrams and logic models are available for different health topics and issues on the Intervention Planning Resources & Tools page.
Problem Analysis
Every problem has multiple determinants or precursors, including both direct causes and risk factors. A formal problem analysis will identify the who, what, when, and where of a problem as well as help to identify determinants and possible causal pathways that lead to a health outcome or condition.
Blank Problem Analysis Diagram (word)
Example Problem Analysis Diagram: Exclusive Breastfeeding (word)
Logic Model
The logic model is a graphic representation of your program. The logic model shows the relationships between program resources, activities/interventions and outcomes and how a program will work to solve identified problems.
Blank Logic Model Tool (word)
How to use a logic model step by step (pdf)
Example Logic Model: Community Plan to Promote Breastfeeding (word)
MCAH Planning Cycle
The planning cycle is a classic public health approach for program planning, implementation, and evaluation. It is an interactive process with each step building on the previous ones and with opportunities for feedback. It is undertaken to understand and address identified public health problems. Although the processes described are generic to all planning efforts at the local level, the case examples are specific to Maternal and Child Health Programs that are required to conduct a formal needs assessment and planning process every five years.
The Planning Guide - Developing an Effective Planning Process: A Guide for Local MCH Programs
This manual has been created by FHOP to assist local public health agencies in following the steps described in the above planning cycle. To order a hard copy click here.
Tools for Identifying and Selecting Evidenced-Based Interventions
This page provides links to websites for identifying evidence based interventions and best practices and tools you can download to help you compare and adapt interventions.
Intervention Planning Resources & Tools
This section is organized by priority topic and includes reference materials, literature reviews, sample problem analyses, useful web links, and other useful information for priority problem areas.
Program Evaluation and Performance Monitoring Resources
This page offers a developing collection of resources for measuring the impacts of programs and activities. It includes program evaluation basics, program evaluation tools, assessing the impact of community awareness campaigns, and social media campaigns and evaluation tools.
Primary Data Collection Resources
This page offers a list of valuable resources for collecting primary data, specifically focusing on conducting focus groups, key informant interviews, and surveys.