California County Data Sources

California County MCAH Data Resources​
Topical listing of useful data sources for the California Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health community.

California County Data Spreadsheets
These pages contain data spreadsheets intended specifically for California Counties and Health Jurisdictions, and reference documents for their interpretation.

Local MCAH Program Scope of Work Data Sources
This page contains data necessary for the California counties to complete their Scope of Work.

County Health Status Profiles 2013 (pdf)
This report contains selected health status indicators recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for monitoring state and local progress toward achieving goals as set forth in its Healthy People 2020 report, which is released once each decade. 

MIHA, the Maternal and Infant Health Assessment, is a population-based survey of women with a recent live birth in California that collects information about maternal experiences, attitudes and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy. Topics include: health status, nutrition, weight, health insurance, service utilization and content, breastfeeding, infant sleep, pregnancy intention, family planning, intimate partner violence, substance use, hardships, income and dental care during pregnancy.
MIHA statewide results are available for subgroups of women based on maternal age, education, income, prenatal health insurance, and race/ethnicity. MIHA results are also available for the 20 California counties with the greatest numbers of births and at multi-county regional levels., a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, promotes the health and well being of children in California by providing an easy to use resource that offers high-quality, wide-ranging, local data to those who work on behalf of children. allows users to easily find, customize, and use data on more than 500 measures of child health and well being. Data are available for every county, city, school district, and legislative district in California.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the data on have not been tested for statistical significance, except in a few cases where noted. Apparent trends over time and differences across regions and among demographic groups may or may not be statistically significant.

*NEW* Area-Level (State and County) Pediatric Quality Indicators for California (2005-2014)
Using a methodology developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), OSHPD calculates six individual and three composite Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDIs), which identify hospital admissions for children, that may be preventable through access to high-quality outpatient care. The conditions measured by these indicators include asthma, diabetes with short-term complications, gastroenteritis, perforated appendix, and urinary tract infection. The prevalence of low birth weight (