2018-2020 Title V CCS Needs Assessment

Title V Needs Assessments for Title V funded, state-run programs are conducted every five years, and FHOP has been contracted to conduct the CCS Needs Assessment for the past four cycles (over the course of 16 years).

We are facilitating the 2018-2020 Needs Assessment Process on behalf of the California Department of Health Care Services, Integrated Systems of Care Division (DHCS-ISCD). The CCS program provides diagnostic and treatment services, medical case management, and physical and occupational therapy services to children under age 21 with CCS-eligible medical conditions. Examples of CCS-eligible conditions include, but are not limited to, chronic medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, cerebral palsy, heart disease, cancer, traumatic injuries, and infectious diseases producing major sequelae. CCS also provides medical therapy services that are delivered at public schools. The CCS needs assessment is a multifaceted project that involves convening a stakeholder group, collecting and analyzing both primary (key informant interviews, focus groups, and survey of CCS families, program administrators, and providers) and secondary data, and determining needs and priorities for program improvements over the next five years.

CCS Needs Assessment Final Report:

Final Report & Appendices 


Click here for the DHCS Website on the Title V CSS Needs Assessment (you can find materials from the October 3rd, 2018 Stakeholder meeting on that page)

Please click here for a report from the last CCS Needs Assessment from 2014-2015


Presentation for final Stakeholder meeting September 25, 2019.pdf (click to download slides)


Title V CCS Needs Assessment Family Focus Groups & Family Survey Summary Webinar (September 20, 2019)


CCS Title V Needs Assessment - Key Informant Interviews Summary (April 23rd, 2019)

Administering the Survey for Families of CYSHCN (April 18, 2019)

Current Issues Facing Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families (Feb 27th, 2019)

Survey of Families of CYSHCN

Links to the surveys:

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CYSHCNSurvey19-ENG (English)

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CYSHCNSurvey19-ESP (Spanish)

Sample Letters & Promotional Materials:

SAMPLE Letter to CCS client-families (English) 

SAMPLE Letter to CCS client-families (Spanish) 

QRCode - English Survey

QRCode - Spanish Survey

SAMPLE Social Media Post or flyer 

Written Copies of the Survey:

A PDF copy of the survey with instructions for administering the survey: Family Survey - Administrator Instructions

A clean, PDF copy of the survey (English only, please contact us if you need a Spanish version) Family Survey (clean no instructions)