Webinar: Using a SocioEcological Model to Develop Strategies for Impacting MCAH Outcomes

Date: Monday, March 29, 2010

This webinar will review newer paradigms for understanding the complex interrelationship between multiple factors that impact a particular health outcome. We will describe an approach to analyzing public health problems that includes using a multilevel framework to diagram the many factors that can impact the health of a population. These include social determinants and policy issues on one level; family/household and local institutions and community characteristics at the next level and individual characteristics at the last level.  We will then review a method for linking precursors to identify causal pathways. Once the pathways are identified we will discuss the approach to developing strategies for intervening at various levels in the pathway. Examples of causal pathways and resulting strategies will be used. An interactive discussion will assist in identifying county-level resources and approaches to mobilizing them to effectively address particular issues.

1. Review emergent paradigms in public health
2. Overview of traditional public health planning process
3. Using a socio-ecological problem analysis framework to identify causal pathways
4. Developing strategies to address a problem based on addressing upstream causes and risks
5. dentifying evidence based interventions to implement the strategies

Background reading:
Planning Guide Chapter III (pdf)
Tips for a Successful Problem Analysis (pdf)
Generic Problem Analysis Diagram (pdf)

Archived Webinar:
Part 1 The socioecological model and the lifecourse model (10m27s)
Part 2 Problem analysis steps 1-3: examining the data, consulting the literature and experts, relate to local community (22m33s)
Part 3 Problem analysis step 4: determining the contribution of each factor (13m39s)
Part 4: Problem analysis steps 5 & 6: Identify causal pathways and intervention points (8m42s)
Part 5. Developing specific strategies and interventions (16m06s)
Part 6. Additional resources (12m08s)

Slideshow Handout (pdf)