Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2013
FHOP is pleased to announce a webinar training on perinatal substance use. The keynote presenter will be Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, Chief of UC San Diego Health System's Division of Dysmorphology/Teratology. Dr. Jones' research has focused on the clinical delineation of birth defects, mechanisms of normal and abnormal morphogenesis and the recognition of new human teratogens. The work on recognition of new human teratogens is primarily focused through MotherToBaby CA, which is funded by the state of California. He is considered to be the father of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) since he was one of two doctors at the University of Washington who first identified FAS in the United States in 1973.
Additionally, the State Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Epidemiology Branch will present data on perinatal substance use in California. Training objectives and materials will be sent out before the webinar.
This is the fifth webinar in a series of trainings related to Title V MCH priorities. The format of the webinar series combines program planning, a discussion of the evidence base, and a review of available resources.
Please note that to join the audio for the webinar, you will need to call in via telephone (using the toll-free number provided) and to see the presentation, you will need to be on the computer. The webinar will be recorded and archived for future viewing.
Contact FHOP if you have any questions.
Training Objectives:
At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss research on the impact of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
2. Identify possible indicators of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder
3. Describe the Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) survey
4. Describe patterns of alcohol consumption during pregnancy across maternal socio-demographic characteristics and geographic regions
5. Discuss patterns of binge drinking before and during pregnancy across maternal socio-demographic characteristics and geographic regions
Webinar Materials and Resources:
Presentation: “Alcohol and pregnancy: What have we learned in 37 years”
Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD
Chief, Division of Dysmorphology/Teratology, UC San Diego Health System
Medical Director, MotherToBaby California
• Presentation Slides
• Website: Mother to Baby California
Presentation: “Alcohol use among women before and during pregnancy in California, 2010”
Michael Curtis, PhD
Chief, Surveillance, Assessment and Program Development Section, Epidemiology, Assessment and Program Development Branch, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program, California Department of Public Health
• Presentation slides
• Presentation recording
Websites referenced:
• MIHA Survey
• Every Woman California, preconception health resources