San Bernardino
Community Health Status Report (CHSR) Overview - Includes all indicators listed below, updated every five years: CHSR Overview
Community Health Status Report (CHSR) Details - Subset of the indicators below, FHOP analyzes, updated every year: CHSR 2019
Databooks labeled "PROVISIONAL": Because of the conversion from ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification) to ICD-10-CM for certain hospital discharge data there will only ever be 9 months of data for the year 2015. So all Databooks labeled "Provisional" only have data through September of 2015.
DOMAIN & INDICATOR: Maternal/ Women's Health Indicators |
1-A |
Medi-Cal insured deliveries per 100 live births: MCAL |
1-B |
Uninsured pre-pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
1-C |
Prenatal care in the first trimester per 100 females delivering a live birth: APNC Also in this databook:
1-D |
Pre-pregnancy overweight or obesity per 100 females delivering a live birth CHSR Overview only |
1-E |
Mis-timed or unwanted pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
1-F |
PROVISIONAL: Substance use diagnoses per 1,000 hospitalizations of pregnant females age 15 to 44: PCMH Also in this databook:
1-G |
Any smoking during the 1st or 3rd trimester per 100 females with live births: CHSR Overview only |
1-H |
PROVISIONAL: Gestational diabetes per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live or still-born infant in-hospital: PCDB Also in this databook:
1-I |
Births conceived within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live birth: IPI |
1-J |
Cesarean births per 100 low risk females delivering a live birth: CSEC Also in this databook:
1-K |
Prenatal depressive symptoms per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
1-L |
Postpartum depressive symptoms: CHSR Overview only |
1-M |
Had a routine checkup with doctor in the last year per 100 females age 18-44: CHSR Overview only |
1-N |
Ever been diagnosed with heart disease per 100 females age 18 and older: CHSR Overview only |
1-O |
Uninsured per 100 female population age 18-64: INSU Also in this databook:
1-P |
PROVISIONAL: Mood disorder hospitalizations per 100,000 female population age 15 to 44: MHPD Also in this databook:
Related indicators in different databook: |
1-Q |
PROVISIONAL: Assault hospitalizations per 100,000 females age 15 to 44: INJPD Also in this databook:
Related indicators in different databook: |
1-R |
Domestic violence calls per 100,000 population: FAMS |
1-S |
Current smoker per 100 females 18 and older: CHSR Overview only |
1-T |
Binge drinking in the last year per 100 females age 18 and older: CHSR Overview only |
1-U |
Total Early Syphilis*, Cases and Incidence Rates for Females Ages 15–44, per 100,000: CHSR Overview only |
Infant Health |
2-A |
Births less than 37 weeks gestation per 100 live births: GAGE Also in this databook:
2-B |
Births weighing less than 2,500 grams per 100 live births: BWT Also in this databook:
2-C |
Births weighing less than 1,500 grams per 100 live births: BWT Also in this databook:
2-D |
Tdap immunizations during pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
2-E |
Exclusive Breastfeeding 3 months after delivery per 100 live births: CHSR Overview only |
2-F |
Exclusive in-hospital breastfeeding per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
2-G |
Deaths at age less than 1 year per 1,000 live births: DTHI Also in this databook:
Child and Adolescent Health |
3-A |
Uninsured per 100 population age 0 to 18: INSU Also in this databook:
3-B |
Percentage of overweight and obese public school students in grade 7: CHSR Overview only |
3-C |
Estimated percentage of children ages 0-17 who have experienced two or more adverse experiences as of their current age: CHSR Overview only |
3-D |
Percentage of children and teens who walked/biked/skated to school in last week: CHSR Overview only |
3-E |
Percentage of public school students in grade 9 who experienced depression-related feelings: CHSR Overview only |
3-F |
Percentage of public school children in grade 9 who perceive that their school is very safe: CHSR Overview only |
3-G |
Percent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO binge drinking in the last month: CHSR Overview only |
3-H |
Percent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO E-cigarette use in the last month: CHSR Overview only |
3-I |
Percent of public school students in grade 11 who report NO marijuana usage in the past month : CHSR Overview only |
3-J |
PROVISIONAL: Substance abuse hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24: MHPD Also in this databook:
Related indicators in different databooks: |
3-K |
PROVISIONAL: Mental health hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24: MHPD Also in this databook:
Related indicators in different databooks: |
3-L |
Births per 1,000 females age 15 to 19: FERT Also in this databook:
3-M |
Births within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age less than 20 delivering a live birth: IPI Also in this databook:
3-N |
Gonorrhea rate per 100,000 female population age 15 to 19: CHSR Overview only |
3-O |
Chlamydia rate per 100,000 female population age 15 to 19: CHSR Overview only |
3-P |
PROVISIONAL: Motor vehicle injury hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 0 to 14: INJPD Also in this databook:
Related indicators in different databooks: |
3-Q |
Deaths per 100,000 population age 1 to 4 years: DTH |
3-R |
Deaths per 100,000 population age 5 to 14 years: DTH |
3-S |
Deaths per 100,000 population age 15 to 19: DTH |
3-T |
Deaths per 100,000 population age 20 to 24: DTH |
Population |
4-A |
Total Population: POP |
4-B |
Total Population White: POP |
4-C |
Total Population African American: POP |
4-D |
Total Population Hispanic: POP |
4-E |
Total Population Asian/ Pacific Islander: POP |
4-F |
Total Population American Indian/ Alaska Native: POP |
4-G |
Total Population Multi-Race: |
Social Determinant of Health |
5-A |
Poverty (0-200% FPL) per 100 population age 18 to 64: INSU |
5-B |
Poverty (0-200% FPL) per 100 population age 0 to 18: INSU |
5-C |
Single mothers living in poverty per 100 single mothers: CHSR Overview only |
5-D |
Unemployment per 100 people in the employment market: FAMS |
5-E |
High school dropout per 100 students in grades 9-12: CHSR Overview only |
5-F |
Felony arrests per 1,000 children age ages 0-17 years: CHSR Overview only |
5-G |
Children receiving free or reduced price meals at school per 100 students: CHSR Overview only |
5-H |
Children in foster care per 1,000 children age 0 to 17: FAMS
5-I |
Percentage of adults with 4 or more ACEs : CHSR Overview only |
5-J |
Food insecurity during pregnancy per 100 females delivering a live birth: CHSR Overview only |
5-K |
Income inequality ratio (Ranking of ratio of household income at the 80th percentile to income at the 20th percentile): CHSR Overview only |
5-L |
Percentage of households with severe housing problems: CHSR Overview only |
5-M |
Number of days with ozone above regulatory standards: CHSR Overview only |
6-A |
Percentage of public school children enrolled in special education with an autism diagnosis: CHSR Overview only |
6-B |
Percentage of public school children enrolled in special education: CHSR Overview only |
6-C |
Number of CSHCN enrolled in CCS: CHSR Overview only |
6-D |
Percentage CCS CSHCN receiving transition services (ages 14-20), please note: THIS DATA IS PRELIMINARY: CHSR Overview only |
6-E |
% of children 0-18 with one or more major disabilities: CHSR Overview only |
6-F |
Rate of emergency department visits for Asthma (ages 0-17): ASTPD and ASTED (these databooks are not yet available) |