San Bernardino - District 1

Community Health Status Report (CHSR) Details - An annual overall summary of all the indicators listed below.

Maternal/ Women's Health Indicators
Number Indicator Resource

Medi-Cal insured deliveries per 100 live births:


Prenatal care in the first trimester per 100 females delivering a live birth


Also in this databook:

  • Prenatal care beginning in the last trimester or never per 100 females delivering a live birth
  • Inadequate prenatal care per 100 females delivering a live birth
  • Adequate prenatal care (80% Kotelchuck index) per 100 females delivering a live birth

Substance use diagnoses per 1,000 hospitalizations of pregnant females age 15 to 44

Also in this databook:

  • Mental health hospitalizations per 1,000 pregnant females
  • Substance-affected infant diagnosis per 1,000 hospital still- or live- births

Gestational diabetes per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live or still-born infant in-hospital

Also in this databook:

  • Pre-existing diabetes per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live or still-born infant in-hospital

Births conceived within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age 15 to 44 delivering a live birth 


Cesarean births per 100 low risk females delivering a live birth  

Also in this databook:

  • Cesarean births per 100 low-risk females giving birth for the first time
  • Cesarean births per 100 females delivering a live birth

Uninsured per 100 female population age 18-64  

Also in this databook:

  • Uninsured per 100 female population age 18 to 64 (0-200% FPL)
  • Uninsured per 100 female population age 18 to 64 (gt 200% FPL)

Mood disorder hospitalizations per 100,000 female population age 15 to 44  

Also in this databook:

  • Mood disorder hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24
Related indicators in different databook:
    • Title: 1H-A Mood disorder Emergency Department visits per 100,00 femaile population age 15 to 44: : MHED_36D1

    Assault hospitalizations per 100,000 females age 15 to 44  

    Also in this databook:

    • Assault hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24

    Domestic violence calls per 100,000 population

    Infant Health
    Number Indicator Resource

    Births less than 37 weeks gestation per 100 live births:

    Also in this databook:

    • Births 37 to 38 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Births 34 to 36 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Births 32 to 33 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Births less than 32 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Singleton births 37 to 38 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Singleton births less than 37 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Singleton births 34 to 36 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Singleton births 32 to 33 weeks gestation per 100 live births
    • Singleton births less than 32 weeks gestation per 100 live births

    Births weighing less than 2,500 grams per 100 live births:

    Also in this databook:

    • Births weighing less than 2,500 grams per 100 live singleton births
    • Births weighing more than 4,500 grams per 100 live births
    • Births weighing more than 4,500 grams per 100 live singleton births

    Births weighing less than 1,500 grams per 100 live births:

    Also in this databook:

    • Births weighing less than 1,500 grams per 100 live singleton births

    Deaths at age less than 1 year per 1,000 live births  

    Also in this databook:

    • Neonatal (between 0-27 days) deaths per 1,000 live births
    • Postneonatal (7-28 days) deaths per 1,000 live births
    Child and Adolescent Health
    Number Indicator Resource

    Uninsured per 100 population age 0 to 18:

    Also in this databook:

    • Uninsured per 100 population age 0 to 18 (0-200% FPL)
    • Uninsured per 100 population age 0 to 18 (gt 200% FPL)

    Substance abuse hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24  

    Also in this databook:

    • Co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24
    Related indicators in different databook:
      • Title: 3B-A Substance abuse hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24 : MHED_36D1

      Mental health hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24  

      Also in this databook:

      • Self-injury hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24

      Births per 1,000 females age 15 to 19  

      Also in this databook:

      • Total live births
      • Births per 1,000 population (Crude birth rate)
      • Births per 1,000 females age 15 to 44

      Births within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age less than 20 delivering a live birth:  

      Also in this databook:

      • Births within 18 months of a previous birth per 100 females age 15 to 44
      • Births per 1,000 females age 15 to 44 (Fertility)
      • Births per 1,000 population age 40 to 44

      Motor vehicle injury hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 0 to 14  

      Also in this databook:

      • Motor vehicle injury hospitalizations per 100,000 population age 15 to 24

      Deaths per 100,000 population age 1 to 4 years


      Deaths per 100,000 population age 5 to 14 years


      Deaths per 100,000 population age 15 to 19 years


      Deaths per 100,000 population age 20 to 24 years
