MCAH Marketplace

The MCAH Marketplace is a place intended for MCAH Directors and related program staff to share examples of resources (interventions, assessment tools, etc.) and programs they have developed that other local MCAH programs could adapt and utilize. FHOP compiled the initial items that were "for sale" during the MCAH Action Meeting in October 2009 and has posted them online at the MCAH Marketplace website since then. MCAH Directors and related program staff are encouraged to send resources for FHOP to post to more fully develop the resource bank for local MCAH programs, and in doing so provide a place to house the various tools and other useful resources that are sometimes only shared via emails.

Please contact FHOP if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas - all feedback welcome.

Action Plans MCAH Action SIDS & Safe Sleep
Breastfeeding MCAH Action Fall/Spring Conf Presentations Substance Abuse
FHOP - MCAH Director Info Mental Health Trauma Informed Care & ACES
Funding & Budgets, and LHJ P & P Needs Assessment Teen Pregnancy & Sex Education
Human Trafficking Perinatal Services Coordinators (PSCs)/CPSP *NEW* COVID-19 Resources
Life Course Perinatal Substance Abuse  
Marijuana Use in MCAH Problem Analysis  


COVID-19 County Response Resources

  1. Alameda County MPCAH Starting Out Strong Telehealth Practice and Guidelines (revised April 2020)
  2. Return to Work Practices - California Counties (updated on Aug 10, 2020)
  3. COVID19 Return to School Criteria - Inyo (September 2020)
  4. Decision Pathways for Symptom and Exposure Screening of Children at Early Care and Education Centers and K-12 Schools (Created by Los Angeles Dept. of Public Health August 2020)
  5. Protocol for COVID-19 Exposure Management Plan in K-12 Schools - Pasadena (September 2020)
  6. Protocols for Response to COVID-19 Exposure 8.13.20 - Yolo County 
  7. Template Letter - Confirmed COVID-19 in Office.8.13.20 - Yolo County 
  8. Template Letter - Household Member or Close Contact.8.13.20 - Yolo County
  9. Template Letter - Negative Test In Cohort.8.13.20 - Yolo County
  10. COVID-19 recommendations checklist for schools 9.8.2020 - San Mateo County
  11. Orange County - child COVID screening pathway (9.12.20) - Orange County
  12. San Joaquin County developed a series of booklets on Having a Baby During the COVID-19 Pandemic (November 2020):
  13. GuidanceHomeVisitingStaff - From LA County (updated November 2020)
  14. COVID-19 Guidelines for Family Health Services - From San Luis Obispo (December 2020)
  15. Solano County: Addressing delayed pediatric Well Child Screenings - PPT (Feb 2021)
  16. Stanislaus presentation on school re-opening 
  17. School Reopening in Marin (March 2021)
  18. Orange County TK- 12 School Reopening Challenges and Success presentation (March 2021)


Action Plan

*All sample action plans are from Sacramento

  1. Sample Action Plan Goal 1 
  2. Sample Action Plan Goal 2 
  3. Sample Action Plan Goal 3 
  4. Sample Action Plan Goal 4 


  1. Breastfeeding Proclamation Humboldt Board of Supervisors (2013-2016)


Fall/Spring MCAH Conference Presentations


  1. Messages on Perinatal Substance Abuse Presentation - Cadena
  2. MCAH May 2015 Trauma Informed Care Presentation - Gabriella Grant
  3. MCAH Action Ed Day Perinatal MJ use Oct 2015 


  1. Education Day Agenda October 2016
  2. Maternal Mental Health- Risk Factors, Ramifications and Roles by Dr Anna Glezer
  3. Michelle Cummings Training Wheels and Personify Leadership



  1. Congenital Syphilis in Kern County
  2. Congenital Syphilis in CA 
  3. Patient-Centered Contraceptive Counseling: Practice and Performance Measurement
  4. My Birth Control: Engaging patients and providers in shared decision making around contraception
  5. Using Secret Shopper Surveys to Assess and Improve Reproductive Health Services: The San Francisco Experience


  1. Education Day Agenda October 2017
  2. Berkeley Media Studies Group Presentation - Strengthening capacity for communicating about MCAH in California

FHOP - (MCAH Director Information)

  1. 2011 MCAH Director Toolkit


Funding & Budgets & LHJ Policy and Procedures (Misc)

  1. MCAH Action Budget Presentation
  2. Federal Financial Participation (FFP) Examples for MCAH Agencies
  3. Imperial County Home Visiting Program Confidentiality and HIPPA Requirements


Human Trafficking 

  1. What being a flight attendant taught me about human trafficking 
  2. Human Trafficking 101 - Dignity Health (PSC conference presentation)
  3. Human Trafficking Basics for CPS Coordinators - Susie Baldwin MD, MPH (PSC conference presentation)


Life Course

  1. Creating a Life Course Community System (Alameda County PPT)
  2. HRSA Webcast: Federal Overview: MCHB’s Current and Future Life Course Activities
  3. HRSA paper: Rethinking MCAH - The Life Course Model as an Ongoing Framework
  4. Life Course Framework for FHS All Staff Retreat October 2013
  5. Life Course Roadshow May 2011
  6. MCAH Action Life Course Theory-Moving to Action
  7. Rethinking MCH: Life Course Cliff Notes


Marijuana Use in MCAH

  1. Marijuana Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Guidance for Colorado Health Care Providers Prenatal Visits
  2. Pediatric Exppsure Prevention: Clinical Guidance for Colorado Health Care Providers
  3. Marijuana Pediatric Exposure Prevention: Clinical Guidance for Colorado Health Care Providers


Mental Health

  1. BIH Medical Social Worker Listing (Alameda County)
  2. Butte PMAD Learning Community July 2015 (Mothers Strong)
  3. Calaveras Action Plan Goal 2 PMAD from webinar 1.7.14
  4. Supporting Mamas Website
  5. LA Provider Survey perinatal depression
  6. MH Clinician Duty Statement and JD (January 2015)
  7. Placer Sample AP for mental health (January 2015)
  8. PMAD Algorithm and Resources - Orange County
  9. Santa Cruz PMHC (July 2015)
  10. Yolo MCAH Mental Health Collaborative (July 2015)
  11. Travelling Blue Dot Toolkit - Travelling Blue Dot Social Media Campaign: A Stakeholder Engagement Project to Address Maternal Mental Health (Spring 2017)
  12. Maternal Mental Health Provider Survey - this survey is for you to disseminate to providers within your Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ) to learn about their screening, referral, and treatment practices for PMADs. Below are all of the components you may need while administering the survey, including sample emails for contacting OB-GYNs, Midwives, and Family Practice Physicians and one for contacting Pediatricians. Please contact us: [email protected] or (415-476-5283) for an analysis of your data if you intend on sending the survey out to providers in your LHJ:
  13. Feelings in Motherhood - Flipbook created by Riverside County; each specific handout can be found below:
  14. Moving Forward: Collaborative Solutions for Perinatal Mental Health in Los Angeles County
  15. Maternal Mental Health Packet - Inyo County


Needs Assessment

  1. Body Mass Index Fact Sheet - Low Literacy Approved (2011)
  2. Deliverable Forms Sacramento Sample 
  3. Deliverable Forms Trinity Sample 
  4. Sample MCAH Needs Assessment Planning Document
  5. Sample Mock-Up Survey SFDPH MCAH (2014) 
  6. Sample Problem Statement Template and Meeting Agenda
  7. Sample Stakeholder PowerPoint Revised Santa Barbara
  8. Example Timeline Tentative MCAH Assessment 2014 Timeline
  9. Example MCAH Advisory and 5 Year Needs Assessment
  10. Example Mono County Health Survey
  11. Sample Nutrition and Physical Activity Work group
  12. Sample Presentation Goal 1 
  13. Agency and Professionals Needs Assessment Survey (Feb 2014) Pasadena
  14. Consumer survey monkey questions
  15. Consumer Survey results MCAH Needs Assessment (2009)
  16. MCAH Needs Assessment - Sonoma County (2014)
  17. Mono County MCAH Needs Assessment Meeting
  18. Sample Agenda 
  19. Sample Agenda
  20. Sample Presentation (Long Beach) - Hispanic Community Spanish and English 
  21. Sonoma Survey Monkey quest MCAH (2008)
  22. Sonoma Survey Monkey results MCAH (2009)
  23. Survey - Latinos in Action English (Long Beach) (2014)
  24. Sonoma County Agenda Example for meeting IDA
  25. Sonoma County Example Problem Analysis Iron Deficiency Anemia
  26. Sonoma County Example Reducing Iron Deficiency Anemia in Young Children 5-4
  27. West ED Developmental Screening Landscape Analysis FINAL 2-3-17.pdf



  1. Kern County Community Health Survey
  2. Key Informant Interview Guide (CCS + CYSHCN) - Developed by FHOP for the CCS Title V Needs Assessment, this can be adapted for your needs!
  3. CYSHCN Key Informant Interview Guide - the above guide adapted to be CYSHCN-only
  4. Ventura County Community Health Survey - 2019
  5. Santa Barbara 2019 Title V Community Assessment Stakeholder Mtg Slides
  6. Santa Barbara Title V Needs Assessment Stakeholder Survey


Perinatal Substance Abuse

  1. Letter to the editor sample - Ira J. Chasnoff
  2. Op Ed Sample: Ira J. Chasnoff
  3. MCAH Action Ed Day Perinatal MJ use Oct 2015
  4. Teaching tool - alcohol & contraception effectiveness (2013)
  5. Preventing Substance Exposed Pregnancies Utah
  6. WHQ Provider Orientation Outline FY 13-14
  7. Women SBI bilingual MAY 2014


Problem Analysis

  1. FHOP Problem Analysis Webinar Presentation (PPT)
  2. FHOP Problem Analysis Webinar Presentation (PDF)
  3. NA - Sample problem and data analysis summary
  4. Blank Problem Analysis Diagram (2010)


SIDS & Safe Sleep

  1. 5-year Action Plan SIDS Example
  2. Keep Baby close and safe fact sheet and Motivational Interviewing tool (Sonoma) Jan 2015
  3. Safe Sleep For Infants - Overview of AAP Recommendations
  4. Safe Sleep for Infants - Speaker evaluation form
  5. SIDS Draft Action Plan KMC from Webinar (2015)
  6. Safe Sleeping Card (English & Spanish) - Contact FHOP ([email protected]) for the Microsoft publisher documents
  7. Baby Box Co. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. CDPH SIDS Advisory Council Recommendations on Baby Boxes
  9. Safe Sleep Brochure from Orange County
  10. Safe Sleep Parent Assessment Tool from Orange County

Substance Abuse

  1. Humboldt County Brochures on Cannabis Use:

Teen Pregnancy & Sex Education

  1. CA Healthy Youth Act Compliance Evaluation Checklist for Districts - Grades 7-12
  2. CA Healthy Youth Act Toolkit Portfolio 
  3. CA Healthy Youth Act 2016 Presentation
  4. Curricular Materials and Resources - CA Healthy Youth Act
  5. Fast Facts about the California Healthy Youth Act
  6. Frequently Asked Questions - CA Healthy Youth Act - CA Sexual Health Education Round table 
  7. Questions & Answers for School Districts - CA Healthy Youth Act
  8. Sample Parent-Guardian Notification Letter Grades 7-12 - CA Healthy Youth Act
  9. Mother-Daughter Workshop Overview-Pre-teen - from Ventura County


Trauma Informed Care & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  1. MCAH Gabriella Grant Presentation May 2015
  2. El Dorado County ACEs Action Plan Workbook 


Perinatal Services Coordinators (PSCs)/Comprehensive Perinatal Services Programs (CPSP)


Califonornia PSC Annual Conference - November 2017:

  1. Buzz on Zika - Should we still be concerned? - Neil S. Silverman, M.D.
  2. Human Trafficking 101 - Dignity Health
  3. Human Trafficking Basics for CPS Coordinators - Susie Baldwin MD, MPH
  4. Immunization Updates and Collaborative Projects - Rebeca Boyte, MAS, CLEC (CDPH)
  5. Lessons learned - Marijuana Education and Prevention in Colorado - Jessica Neuwirth 
  6. Links to teaching tools